Sunday, May 18, 2008

THIS is what I was missing?

Before the fall of 2006 when I received my CPAP, I rarely dreamed, if at all. Or if I did dream, I never remember them. Severe sleep apnea doesn't let you reach REM sleep which is where all the good stuff happens. Shortly after beginning treatment, I began to remember them...or at least that I had one. Most have been your standard fair, really. Luge lessons, meat helmets, inventing the question mark, etc. But last nights still has me scratching my head "huh?"

It started out with me and the guys eating at the local KFC when Bill shows up. He says "Sup?" in customary fashion, then makes an exit with the owner to the "upstairs" of the KFC. I think nothing of it and return home from work where Prudence is watching TMZ-like footage of "the final moments of Bill." I tell her I just saw him today at lunch. Apparently when he went upstairs, he walked in on a ping pong tournament and tripped over something - maybe a stray ping pong ball - cracking his head open. Fortunately for the tabloids - which are constantly following him - someone had video of him meeting us for lunch, then of the accident that claimed his life. This was playing repeatedly on TV and people like Larry King were talking about it. Then I woke up. But I was still in a dream.

It turns out that I was really dreaming within my dream. I don't know where I was when I woke up from the "Death of Bill" dream, but apparently they had moved one of the accounting buildings from UIUC to my work as I went there to meet some of my friends to tell them about the dream. When I walked in, I found Danimal escorting Triple J Newbie around the premises. Triple J is actually not a work friend, but a very good friend from my college days. Now he's a big wig in large national corporation. But in this dream he'd given up that career to become a motivational/inspirational speaker or life coach. Not the Chris Farley kind - more like the bald guy you see during PBS pledge drives. Danimal - who has no business doing this - was escorting Triple J around the grounds, attracting huge crowds and stopping every so often to give people neck rubs. That's when I woke up.

I'm not sure what this says about my subconscious, but I pretty sure I need to (a) apologize to Bill and Danimal and (b) spend more "quality time" with Prudence.


Guinevere said...

Dreams are always totally wacky. M dreams more than I do (or at least that I know of) and it's usually something really zany...and he remembers them. One morning, when he got up, though, he told me that, under no uncertain terms, was I allowed to drive anymore. lol His dreams are totally weird and off the wall.

Dory said...

Holy cow... weird dream. I hate it when I have freaky dreams - boggles the mind. What did Bill say when you told him you were dreaming about him? hehe ;o)

bwmson said...

Dang, dude.

You could have at least had me offed by terrorists playing ping-pong. I take a couple out with my metallic paddle...... Much like a scene from a Die Hard movie.

Yippie-kay-yay, mother....

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MamaChristy said...

Dude.. comments on your last THREE posts, WHAT?!?!

1) I love my Cpap. I've used one for.. oh gosh, ten years or so and I LOVE IT. It'll actually be weird to give it up, which I will probably do in the next year or so. I have always remembered my dreams but sometimes I have to ask my mom for help with interpretation. She sees a Jungian therapist who is very into that sort of thing.

2)I can't grow jack and it ain't anything to do with rabbitses. I have a black thumb. Period. That sad little plant is what my whole garden looked like last year... because i was the one in charge. Sigh.

3) I gave up all forms of carbonation six weeks ago, even diet cherry 7-up, which is just about as harmless as it could get. I was still fighting the caffeine monster until this week. I am proud to say I am finally, totally, off caffiene!

4) I am so proud of you about your diabetes numbers! I told you my last A1C was 6.1 but I should also mention I've hit a sweet spot with eating so, frankly, my morning fasting numbers are no different wether I take the glucophage or not (I average about 135). You were a big encouragement to me when I was diagnosed. I really appreciate it.

Ok, enough BlogHogging! (hugs!!)

Manager Mom said...

Who DOESN't dream about the triumph of the origin of the question mark? Or inventing sliced bread?

Turfdad said...

Chris, you ignorant slut! Why haven't you visited my new site?

Becca said...

That is a weird dream!