Monday, February 05, 2007

Could Really Use One of These Today...

George Jetson's Dog Walker.The temp is -6. Thankfully there's not much wind, so the wind chill is only -9. But the dog demands his walk - even if it's only around the block. Hope I'm not a Chris-sicle by the time I get back. Just who IS the master around here anyway?

More life imitating TV, I guess...


Anonymous said...

Oooo, changes...making it look all homey here now.... I like it, I like it.

A Chris-sicle... what a hoot!

bwmson said...

I can relate to you, buddy. Spike demanded a walk during the freakin snow storm.


InTheFastLane said...

If only there was a place for the dog to "go" somewhere near my treadmill, then I might actually try that..humm...I loved the -7 day, when our usual dog walker was sick and I had to do it. Sigh.