Monday, January 22, 2007

Six Weird Things

Yeah, I know this is an old meme (and I've already things documented a number of weird rules here), but I told the some people I would do it, and I try to be a man of my word.  Plus it saves you from hearing about a boring weekend - cleaning out my computer workshop (7 computer carcasses, 3 14" monitors, and 3 printers went to an electronic recycling center), 3 sick family members (Em - for almost a week - Panda and Prudence since Saturday), a busy day at church (running the computer for worship and leading my adult bible fellowship class), and 2 great football games (don't know who to root for now - I just want a good game!).  Well, I guess it didn't save you from it after all.  Some man of his word, huh?  Let's just forget that happenend move on to the meme:

  1. When I get napkins from a dispenser for myself, I always get 3.  One at a time.  And I count them in my head. "One, two, three".
  2. Complete silence scares me.  I can't sit in a room or ride in a car without turning on a radio or TV.  Maybe I'm scared to be alone with my own thoughts...
  3. I struggle to download only a song or 2 from an album.  I always feel as tho I'll be missing something.  Sure, there's always at least one cut that absolutely sucks (except for Sgt Peppers, Abbey Road, and Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs), but if I don't have the whole album, I don't have the whole album!
  4. I watch "League of Their Own" every time it's on.  I own copies on VHS and DVD and can watch it any time I want.  But if I see that its on at 11pm before I shut off the TV before I go to bed, I tell myself "I'll just watch until the 'no crying in baseball' part."  Next thing I know, Madonna's singing "This used to be my playground"...
  5. I love to eat salt and butter on Zesty Saltine crackers.  To save time (because the way I eat, I don't have much of it) and dirtying a knife, I dip the cracker in "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter", then spread the butter over the cracker with my tongue.  Then I salt the cracker with a salt shaker.  Did I mention these were SALTine crackers?  I like salt.
  6. I can't stand to pay for stuff I can usually get free or relatively cheap.  Like bottled water, for instance.  Pop, coffee, and other drinks take work to make.  Water is already here, and water fountains abound!  I'm probably just bitter that I didn't think of it first.  Tacos also come to mind.  It takes about $.25 worth of materials for a taco, and you get charged almost a $1 for one.  This one probably boils down to the fact that it takes 5+ tacos to fill me up, which adds up to too many pesos for that meal!  I feel like I'm getting swindled or something...

There you have it.  More than you probably wanted to know.  Just tell me when you want me to stop.


Anonymous said...

Mr. G could probably relate to your #5. He eats Cool Ranch Doritos by first licking the flavoring off, then eating the chip. Makes me cringe to watch him! :oS

Aynde said...

My brother in law eats saltines with chocolate frosting. Weirds me out I tell ya.

When we lived in Wyoming I would always go to this restaurant called Rose's Cafe. I'd order their house soup and it would come with a basket of crackers and butter. My son would make little cracker and butter sandwhiches while he waited for his meal. Daughter on the other had only eats saltines plain. She will not eat anything that has butter on it. Not even toast. She doesn't like Jelly either. Or cheese. There is something wrong with that kid.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, never tried butter on crackers... what an idea. You know next time I have saltines - I'll be tempted to try it though.

Fear of silence... does that make one weird?

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are weird at all! :)

Blessings to you,
S :) (The Great Pretender)

Unknown said...

Well, it's probably a relief to you that several of these don't seem all that weird! Of course, that might not be much comfort when you realize who said that!lol I love butter on salt, should learn to live without it..what will you do when you have to give it up?? And I love "League of their own"..great movie.

Sue said...

I do the same thing with napkins, 3 and I count them in my head. I also eat butter on my saltines, but no more salt. I draw the line with the butter.

Hope everyone is well by now!

Go Colts!

Sue : )

bwmson said...

Not strange at all....since I can really connect on almost all of them. Although, the "League of Their Own" thing surprised me. :)

Have a good weekend, buddy.

Malathionman said...

Dude, except for #5, you are my better looking twin.

InTheFastLane said...

Weird is all relative. I always count to 10 when i get napkins. That makes two for each family member (napkins out of despensers are pretty thin).

Anonymous said...

I totally understand the "silence scares me" thing. I can't stand total silence either. I always thought it was because I grew up in a house where a radio or a TV was always playing in the background. Unfortunately, I've passed this trait on to Blacky - my boy dog. He'll give me a funny look if I turn the radio off before I leave the house in the morning.