Friday, January 12, 2007

Now THIS is embarrassing!

Chris and the Hairdryer from Mars.

Sue, I believe this is the kind of picture that your little sister was looking for.

I don't know much more about the picture than what you see here. It's an 8-10 year old boy with a big belt and very tight t-shirt sitting under his mom's beauty shop style hairdryer with a cap on his noggin to protect his 'do. I see nothing wrong with it...other than it's me! Don't know why I was there or why Dad was there with the camera. But I think the expression says it all.

How about some of the other items on the back porch? The yellow pencil sharpener that seemed to always be filled with filings. The BB/pellet gun for shooting cans (never know when a can is going to jump out at you!). The technicolored pants (bottom left in the stack of clothes) that made me look like Bobby Brady . Ohhh, the memories...

Can anyone top this? I'd love to see you try :)


meg said...

Welcome back, Chris!
I love this pic- it reminds me of when my hubby's cousin was in beauty school & he became the practice head; I went on vacation & came back to him with a super curly perm :P I'll have to dig out the pics of hubby as the dressmaker dummy for his Mom's square dance dresses (they are the same height & weight, as well as the same shoe size)

Anonymous said...

LOL - I think unfortunately I might be able to top this... if technocolor clothing is the way to go!! I found a picture of me and my sisters the other day that is a hoot!!
This is the best!! Love it... and love that you're willing to laugh at yourself!! Thanks for sharing!!

So serious question... is this the place you're staying now - on Blogspots? I need to change your link on my page if it is!

Aynde said...

HAHAHAHAHA!! I could maybe top that but I'd have to travel to my mothers house 1300 miles away to get the photo. Darn! :)

Malathionman said...

WOW, two posts in one week!

I dig Jack-in-the-Box. They have a free upgrade to seasoned curly fries deal right now.

You should check out the glasses my mom made me wear on my site.

Caffeinated Librarian said...

*Must. Resist. The Urge. To. Top. Chris. And Sue. And Mocha.*

Like I told Kelly, I have three words for you dude: dance recital photos.

Eight years of them from the seventies and earlies eighties (those high water marks of fashion, don't you know). This is one of those times that I'm so glad my mom doesn't have a blog 'cause she would SO be posting those pictures.

Sue said...

That is hilarious! The picture my sister was talking about in the comments is one of me in an ancient hair dryer which I did post. But you in a hair dryer??? You have me beat dude! Very sexy!

Sue : )

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous picture- I love it! I love that you posted it! What fun!

Blessings to you,
S :)

Anonymous said...

lol That is GREAT! lol

In 3rd grade, my mom made me a pair of patchwork pants. And the worst part was I loved them! EWWWWW! The first time I wore them, we played a game at school where one person is it and they call out a color. If you're wearing that color, you can walk across to the other side. If not, then you have to run and "It" has to try to tag you. Then you stay in the middle and help tag people. They couldn't come up with a color that I wasn't wearing! My teacher was pulling colors out like vermillion and magenta! Nope...had 'em covered.

How embarrassing! If I can find a pic of the pants, I'll post it...otherwise, I know you have most of us beat with this one! lol