Sunday, January 28, 2007

I Though It Was Conditioner!

Everyone showers in the shower in the master bathroom.  Prudence, Panda, and me in the mornings.  The Boy and Em of an evening.  It cuts down on the number of baths we need to keep clean...and I'm too cheap to have a plumber come take a look at what makes the main bath shower leak to the basement when we use it.  I'll eventually need to take care of #2, but until then, we shower in our shower.

Other than bar soap, we keep all bath products the ledge above the glass door to the shower.  That is, until The Boy and Em were able to take showers by themselves (one of those magical milestones that parents long to see reached - much like walking, potty training, reading, etc.).  Now we keep smaller bottles of shampoo and conditioner on the "seat" built into the shower just for them.  When they were smaller (just a few months ago), the bottles would run out and they would come out of the shower - soppin' wet to the bone - into the hallway and yell "I'm out of shampoo!!!".  We would come running, yelling at them to either call from the shower or dry off and then call for us, refill their containers from the containers on the ledge, and finish their shower.  But they observed what we did and began plotting ways to help themselves.  Mind you, they would need to stand on the built in seat and lean across the shower, lean on the glass door while they reached to the ledge above - while wet.  All very safe ***insert eyeroll here***.  So for the past few months, they've (scratch that - he's) been refilling the containers when they've run out.  At least that's my interpretation, since I haven't been called to refill a container for a while.  Until last Thursday, my/our ignorance has been bliss.

Even though the torch of bathing has been passed, hair styling is still left up to me.  Yes, the man with no hairdo (should that be a hairdon't) does the hair of the little ones.  Don't worry, it's primarily a part and either combed back (The Boy) or brushed straight (Em).  When they're old enough to do their own, I'll step out and let them work on a something that helps define themselves, other than mohawks, blue/orange hair, etc!  But I digress...

So last Thursday, Em comes out of the shower and I start brushing her hair.  Its a gnarly mess!  I ask her if she used conditioner.  She tells me that The Boy told her they were out and that he found something else that would work.  I asked her to show me and she said it was the pink vitamin E stuff.  Huh?  Never seen that in our shower before, so we went back in.  There, sitting on the seat was Prudence and Panda's Skintastic Shaving Cream!  Prudence ushers her back into the shower with explicit instructions about what NOT to use on her hair.  After setting her straight and refilling their bottle with more conditioner from the cabinet, Prudence comes back to me and says, "I'm sooooo glad we don't use Nair!"



Sue said...

That is hilarious! Nair would not have been good,not to mention smelly! Hopefully the boy got a lesson too. Your household is too funny Chris. To be a fly on the wall to catch what you don't tell us!

Sue :)

Aynde said...

Nair.... Isn't that what you use??? *gasp!!*

I know you are thinking - "Oh no she didn't!"

But YES I so totally did!

I joke I joke. Besides you know we wouldn't have you any other way!
Muchas Smooches!


Shannon said...

Oh my goodness! What a hoot! Thanks for the laugh today Chris!

Blessings to you,
S :)

Anonymous said...

Goodness! Don't you just love having kids? They are the best!!

bwmson said...

Beautiful. Your kids make me laugh every time you share a story. Also, love the pic of the Nair bottle. Nice orange.

I have noticed two huge bottles in our shower. Each must weigh 5 lbs. One shampoo, one conditioner. Mrs. W says her hair stylist friend gave them to her. I tried to pick one up the other day, it slipped out of my hand and nearly broke one of my toes.

Oh, Prell, with the glass bottle, where are you??

Caffeinated Librarian said...

Um. What are you supposed to do with the orange? Eat it while you Nair (can that be a verb?)? Squeeze it on your legs? Put it in a drink with a little umbrella?

I'm confused.

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Yeah...nair in a house with kids...not such a good idea...hmmm.