Friday, August 04, 2006

Like yelling "Fire!" in a crowded movie house

I may just park myself here and watch Spaces burn to a lump of molten silicone. I'll let you know...


Caffeinated Librarian said...

Hail, hail, the gang's all here...almost. Poor Cara is going in for a nasty shock when she gets back.

And don't worry, Garlock will follow you where ever you be. ;-)

bwmson said...


Eric said...

Hilarious.. I just referred to this as "the firelands for the MSN crowd" on Mominator's site, and you used such similar terminology.

I'm going to have to completely rewrite my blogroll! :)

Glad to see you on the "outside". It's a whole lot faster from all angles, isn't it?

Take care,

SomedayQuilter said...

Hi there Chris, You'll find SomedayQuilter on blogspot and msn and they're both me :) I set up the one on blogger a long, long time ago, but didn't really start blogging until I landed on msn and found you and Bill. Surely that says something for the msn community. One of the things to be said for the simpler blogs without all the bells and whistles is that they sure load a lot faster. But being the toy person I am I love the bells and whistles.